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Upload detection files

Now that all metadata is uploaded to the system, it is time to upload detections data (acoustic telemetry) and sensor data (acoustic-archival and archival data).

For acoustic telemetry ETN allows the upload of detection data files from four different brands (being Lotek, Sonotronics, Thelma-Biotel, and Innovasea). The detections are stored in ETN data system and can be visualized, The original files are stored in the Marine Data Archive (MDA), managed also by VLIZ.

Please follow these steps when uploading detection files:

  1. Select the context ‘Acoustic Telemetry’ on the top-left corner.

  2. On the landing page, click on ‘Data’ and ‘Upload detection data’ which redirects you to the space to upload detection data for each of the brands.

    upload detection data step 1
  3. Select the brand for which you would like to upload detection data

    detections file step 2
  4. Click ‘Browse for files’ and select the file you would like to upload

  5. A new deployment can be automatically created after uploading your detection file. Untick the box ‘Automatically create a new deployment?’ if you do not want to create a new deployment.

  6. Each brand has specific file formats that can be uploaded:

    • Lotek: .TXT files (converted for the .JST files) can be uploaded.

    • Sonotronics: .CSV files can be uploaded.

    • Thelma-Biotel: .TBRARW files are accepted.

    • Innovasea/Vemco: .VRL files are accepted.

  7. The process of uploading a file can take several minutes. As long as the status indicates ‘processing’ or ‘running’, the upload is still in process.

  8. If the file cannot be uploaded:

    • Check the error returned by the system. It usually indicates what type of incompatibility is present.

    • If the error persists, contact ETN via the link ‘Contact us’ at the bottom of the landing page or by sending an email to When contacting ETN, provide sufficient information on the issue, send along the file you wanted to upload together with a print screen of the error message.

  9. Once a file is uploaded, the deployment for that file will close, that means the status of that deployment will be set again to available.


It is important to keep in mind that all the deployments for which data will be uploaded need to be open (without a RECOVER_DATE_TIME, see below). If the deployment is not open, the system will not be able to link the data and no detections will be added to the system. An error message will appear that upload failed.

deployments recover date time
