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ETN landing page

The landing page of the ETN portal offers a variety of information, links and documents:

  • Contact information. Feel free to send us an email if you have any comments or question regarding ETN and the ETN data portal.

  • Documents. List of relevant documents:

    • Data manual and Quick guide are very useful as an introduction on how to upload data into ETN.

    • Data policy, please give this document a read before uploading your data into ETN. By registering to ETN you automatically agree to this data policy.

    • The ETN project template is required to create projects in ETN. It is an Excel file with relevant and required metadata fields (see Creating a project)

  • Central map. The map visualizes location of network projects (see projects). The networks, both active (in blue) and inactive (in red) are shown on a map as dots. Extra information is given for each of the network projects:

    • By clicking on one of the dots, project information is listed (i.e. Project name, Abstract, Contact person and Contributors)

    • By clicking on ‘Full details’ you get redirected to the IMIS record of that project, where you can find all details (an links) of people, projects, datasets, institutes and publications.

    • By clicking ‘show receiver network’, all deployment locations (both active and past) are listed for that project.


User dashboard

The User Dashboard gives the user information on group membership and project access. A distinction is done between reading access and writing access.


Before uploading, editing or viewing data, the user must select a context.

context in ETN


Once a context is selected, the user is able to select metadata tables. These table allow to manage, explore and visualize the metadata.

Metadata tables


The detections table allow to query data according to network and animal project. Due to the big amount of detection data (over 714 million detections as of April 2023) the query may take several minutes. Fastest data download options are the RShiny Explorer and the ETN R Package.

detections table


Data on detections and metadata of technologies, animals and deployments can be imported through the upload tool. The data upload page provides a tutorial on how to upload data to ETN.