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1. ETN structure and dataflow

The main concepts in ETN are the tag, animal, receiver, deployment and the detections. All data withing the ETN portal are stored and managed within projects. This project can be a network project (if relates to receivers and deployments) or an animal project (if tags and animals)

ETN structure



ETN makes a distinction between network and animal projects:

  • A network project refers to a group of receivers and their corresponding deployments. The project can encompass a temporal receiver array, design to answer a specific scientific question, but can also refer to permanent arrays or receiver networks, such as the BPNS receiver network.
  • An animal project refers to a group of animals tagged in the framework of a project/study.


Each user of ETN is assigned to a group. A group has access to one or more projects, and be composed of one or more users.
The owner group has editing data to the technologies in ETN (tags and receivers).


A deployment represent the period during which a specific receiver is in the water and in a specific location (for example, a station). Deployments allow users to define when a receiver has been activated and deployed in or retrieved from a station. Because deployments are linked to a receiver, if one receiver has multiple deployments, there will be multiple deployments for that receiver. Users can add additional information about the deployment, such as distance to mouth, deploy depth, station description or station manager.


A receiver represent a specific receiver and can only be attached to one deployment at a time. A unique identifier (receiver model + serial number ) is used to differentiated receivers and to link it to a deployment. See more here.


An animal refers to an individual of a know species for which tracking or other sensor data have been collected. Each animal must have an assigned capture.


A tag represent a specific tag and can only be attached to one animal at a time. A unique identifier (tag serial number) is used to differentiated tag devices and to link a tag with an animal.